PMES-COMPSs package installation guide:


This dependencies can be resolved on Debian based distributions through:

This dependencies can be resolved on RedHat based distributions through:


1. Install PMES-COMPSs Service:

1.1 Checkout the project from PMES SVN:

1.2 Install the pmes-compss on the system:

1.3 Configure pmes system user:

2. Prepare private key and public PMES-COMPSs certificates

2.1 Create the PMES-COMPSs private key store:


keytool -genkey -alias pmes -keyalg RSA -keystore keystore

Enter keystore password: <somePassword> Re-enter new password: <somePassword>

What is your first and last name?

[Unknown]: (Must be the hostname of the machine).

What is the name of your organizational unit?

[Unknown]: Computer Sciences

What is the name of your organization?

[Unknown]: Barcelona Supercomputing Center

What is the name of your City or Locality?

[Unknown]: Barcelona

What is the name of your State or Province?

[Unknown]: Spain

What is the two-letter country code for this unit?

[Unknown]: ES

Is, OU=Computer Sciences, O=Barcelona Supercomputing Center, L=Barcelona, ST=Spain, C=ES correct?

[no]: yes

Enter key password for pmes (RETURN if same as keystore password): [return]

Important: By now, the key password must be the same as the keystore password.


2.2. Create your client's public certificate from PMES-COMPSs private key store:


keytool -export -alias pmes -keystore keystore -file pmesCert.cer

Enter keystore password:

Certificate stored in file <pmesCert.cer>


3. PMES-COMPSs & Tomcat Configuration:

3.1. PMES- COMPSs service configuration:

<!-- PMES Service Configuration -->


    <!-- PMES Configuration -->







        <!-- Max allowed time per job (minutes) -->


        <!-- Update logs time (minutes) -->


        <!-- Job expiration control (minutes) -->






    <!-- Resources Configuration -->


        <!-- CLOUD Provider Configuration -->



















            <!-- Maximum allowed VM creation time in minutes -->


            <!-- Application deploy path on provider VM -->


           <!-- Shared space mountpoint on virtual instances -->






              <!-- Defines a pool of pre-started VMs for speeding up job submissions -->


                   <Resource image="openbiodebianbasetest">








              <!-- Maximum of system cores -->


              <!-- Maximum of system memory -->





    <!-- COMPSs Configuration --> 





       <!-- COMPSs job monitoring frequency (seconds) -->


       <!-- Master VM Specs -->







         <!-- COMPSs service resources (OPTIONAL) -->


            <!-- Service resource definition example -->










    <!-- Accounting Configuration (OPTIONAL) -->







    <!-- Storage adaptors map -->

















3.2. Tomcat http secure channel configuration:

<Connector port="8443" SSLEnabled="true"

maxThreads="150" scheme="https" secure="true"

clientAuth="false" sslProtocol="TLS"



Then start the service:

4. System users configuration:

4.1. Basice security: create a users database file:

·       vi /home/pmes/conf/usersdb

Add users following the pattern that can be found below:





Hash the default assigned passwords through:

echo -n “mypassword” | md5sum | cut -f1 -d' '

Important: If the user named “adminis created, this can act as superuser managing all system jobs.