
Application Name

Matrix multiplication with objects


  • Name: Matrix multiplication with objects
  • Contact Person:
  • Access Level: public
  • License Agreement: Apache2
  • Platform: COMPSs
  • Repository: Matrix multiplication with objects


Matrix multiplication is a binary operation that takes a pair of matrices and produces another matrix.

If A is an n×m matrix and B is an m×p matrix, the result AB of their multiplication is an n×p matrix defined only if the number of columns m in A is equal to the number of rows m in B. When multiplying A and B, the elements of the rows in A are multiplied with corresponding columns in B.

In this implementation, A and B are square matrices (same number of rows and columns), and so it is the result matrix C. Each matrix is divided in N blocks of M doubles. The multiplication of two blocks is done by a multiply task method with a simple three-nested-loop implementation. When executed with COMPSs, the main program generates N3 tasks arranged as N2 chains of N tasks in the dependency graph.

Execution instructions

Usage: runcompss --lang=c /home/compss/workspace_c/matmul_objects/master/Matmul <numberOfBlocks> <blockSize> <initVal>


  • - numberOfBlocks: Number of blocks inside each matrix
  • - blockSize: Size of each block
  • - initVal: double value for the matrix initialization

Execution Example

runcompss --lang=c /home/compss/workspace_c/matmul_objects/master/Matmul 8 4 12.34


buildapp Matmul

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 07/25/16 15:22:07